臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.8(11)

特集名 維持透析患者の消化管疾患
題名 維持透析患者のHelicobacter pylori除菌法
発刊年月 2006年 07月
著者 伊藤 和郎 防衛医科大学校第2内科
【 要旨 】 出血傾向や貧血を有する透析患者のHelicobacter pylori (Hp) 感染診断には,非侵襲的方法である尿素呼気試験,便中Hp抗原が適している.透析患者では非透析患者に比べHp感染率は低い.とくに透析患者に特有の病変である出血性胃病変ではHp陽性率は低く,Hp除菌療法の必要は少ない.一方,胃潰瘍,十二指腸潰瘍例では透析患者でもHp陽性率は高く,Hp除菌の適応となる症例がある.しかし透析患者における除菌治療では,腎排泄型の薬剤の投与量,投与期間,投与方法に注意が必要であるがまだ確立されていない.筆者はLPZ 60 mg/day,AMPC 500 mg/day,CAM 200 mg/dayに減量し,1週間投与にて高い除菌率を得ている.
Theme Diseases of Alimentary Tract in Maintenance Dialysis Patients
Title Eradication of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) in patients undergoing hemodialysis
Author Kazuro Itoh Second Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] For hemodialysis patients with bleeding tendencies and / or anemia, non-invasive methods, such as urea breath test and the Helicobacter pylori (Hp) stool antigen test, are preferable for the diagnosis of HP infection. Although the precise mechanism is unknown, the prevalence of Hp infection in hemodialysis patients is rather low even in the elderly. Hp infection is infrequent, especially in dialysis patients suffering from hemorrhagic mucosal lesions of the stomach, which is the major complication observed in these patients. However, the prevalence of Hp infection in dialysis patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers is as high as in the corresponding non-dialysis patient group, and the eradication of Hp is indicated for these patients. Therapy with conventional anti-Hp drugs has been hampered due to insufficient renal clearance. The prefered medication and antibiotic therapy dosage for these patients has not been established. We have successfully treated these patients using a combination of lower dosages of LPZ (60 mg / day), AMPC (500 mg / day) and CAM (200 mg / day), achieving high eradication rates of over 90 %.