臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.6(4-2)

特集名 新たな薬物の登場 -- 透析患者への適応
題名 透析治療における新しい薬物 (2) 透析患者のかゆみに対するκ-アゴ二スト
発刊年月 2006年 06月
著者 熊谷 裕生 慶應義塾大学医学部腎臓内科
著者 丸山 資郎 新潟県厚生連けいなん総合病院内科
著者 江畑 俊哉 ちとふな皮膚科クリニック
著者 鈴木 洋通 埼玉医科大学腎臓内科
著者 高森 建二 順天堂大学順天堂浦安病院皮膚科学
【 要旨 】 維持透析患者および保存期慢性腎不全患者のかゆみの成因として,内因性オピオイドが注目されている.私どもの臨床研究の結果から,μ-オピオイド系はかゆみを誘発し,κ-オピオイド系はかゆみを抑制することが示唆された.全国の88例の維持透析患者を対象とするランダム化した前向き二重盲検比較試験において,かゆみの強い透析患者にκ-オピオイド・アゴ二ストTRK-820 (nalfurafine, 5μg) を14日間内服させると,プラセボと比較してvisual analogue scaleで表されるかゆみの強さは有意に抑えられた.ヨーロッパにおける二重盲検比較試験で,透析後にTRK-820を静注することによりかゆみが有意に改善した結果が,「J. Am. Soc. Nephrol.」誌に発表された.
Theme New Drugs for Dialysis Patients
Title Novel κ-opioid receptor agonist (TRK-820) for pruritus in dialysis patients
Author Hiroo Kumagai Department of Kidney Disease and Hypertension, Keio University School of Medicine
Author Shiro Maruyama Department of Internal Medicine, Keinan General Hospital
Author Toshiya Ebata Chitofuna Dermatology Clinic
Author Hiromichi Suzuki Department of Kidney Disease, Saitama Medical School
Author Kenji Takamori Department of Dermatology, Urayasu Hospital, Juntendo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Itching may be induced by an imbalance between the μ and κ opioid systems in uremic pruritus patients. To examine the relationship between itch intensity and μ and κ opioid peptides, we determined serum concentrations of β-endorphin (endogenous μ agonist) and dynorphin-A (κ agonist). In hemodialysis patients with itch, the ratio of endogenous [β-endorphin / dynorphin-A] (the μ / κ ratio) increased in proportion to itch intensity, assessed by single regression analysis. On peripheral lymphocytes in healthy volunteer κ receptors were more dominantly expressed than μ receptors whereas μ receptors were dominant in patients, with itching determined by RT-PCR. Single oral doses of 10 μg of TRK-820 (a novel κ-receptor agonist) siginficantly reduced the visual analogue scale (VAS) of itching at 12 hours after oral administration in 6 patients. In a randomized prospective blind study enrolling 88 hemodialysis patients with severe itching, 14-day oral treatment with TRK-820 (5 μg / day) also significantly reduced the VAS compared with placebo. These data imply that the κ-receptor agonist TRK-820 is promising for the treatment of uremic pruritus.