臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.5(4)

特集名 透析関連モニタリング技術の最前線
題名 超音波トランジットタイム法を用いた血液流量 (心拍出量) の測定
発刊年月 2006年 05月
著者 田中 進一 東海大学医学部付属病院臨床工学技術科・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 透析患者の合併症の一つである心循環器系疾患は死亡原因の第2位であり,心拍出量 (cardiac output ; CO) の測定は透析患者の予後の予測に重要である.透析中の心拍出量の測定およびモニタリングを行うことは透析中の合併症を減少させるうえで重要であるが,簡便に行うことは困難となっている.
Theme Current Topics in Monitoring Technologies for Dialysis Therapy
Title Measurement of blood flow supersonic wave transit time method
Author Shinichi Tanaka Departmeat of Clinical Engineering, Kidney Center, Tokai University Hospital
[ Summary ] Cardiac circulatory system disorders are a common cause of death for dialysis patients. Measurement of cardiac output is important in predicting outcomes for these patients. The measurement of cardiac output is difficult during dialysis treatment because decreased hemodialysis access flow is associated with increased risk of access thrombosis. High hemodialysis access flow rates may become a cardiac onset factor for circulatory complications. Adequate blood flow must be provided by the pump. Flow values must be determined by the “kinetic” level of the pump since this is not the normal blood flow. Even though adequate blood flow may be established for recirculation, efficiency of dialysis may deteriorate. It is important to measure pump flow accurately to provide correct levels of recirculation for effective hemodialysis. The supersonic wave transit time method use differences in supersonic wave transmission and reception times to measure blood flow quantity accurately. This method may also be used to determine recirculation rates, as well as cardiac output. The measurement of blood flow quantity with the supersonic wave transit time method is effective for observation of circulatory dynamics, which is vital for proper dialysis treatment.