臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.11(4-4)

特集名 透析医療における災害対策
題名 災害を迎え撃つ -- 未来へ [4] 究極の対策:ノースリッジ地震に学んだ免震病院
発刊年月 2006年 10月
著者 湯浅 健司 高知高須病院
【 要旨 】 透析においては,大災害時においても,透析治療を中断させることなく,安全に継続させることはもちろん,人命や建物の安全確保のみならず,さまざまな医療機器,設備などの機能,そして,水・電気などのライフラインをいかに確保できるか,病院全体の機能を維持することが大変重要になる.
Theme Contingency Plans for Dialysis Treatment
Title An ultimate earthquake countermeasure
Author Kenji Yuasa Kochi Takasu Hospital
[ Summary ] In major disasters, hemodialysis service must be conducted in an uninterrupted safe manner. In such circumstances, it is highly essential that not only safety and the integrity of the building itself be assured but also various medical equipment and facilities with their lifelines, such as water and electricity, be maintained. The entire hospital must be able to continue functioning. During the Northridge Earthquake (United States) of 1994, those hospitals that were equipped with an earthquake-resistant structures escaped major structural damage. However, medical equipment and facilities contained within were badly damaged, resulting in a virtual shutdown for the ensuing several days. By contrast, those hospitals that had been constructed with a seismically isolated design were virtually unscathed. As a matter of fact, a neurosurgical procedure that was about to take place at the start of the earthquake was continued as usual after one minute interruption. This indicates that a seismically isolated structure is essential to protect people and buildings and maintain the major functions of the hospital.