臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.11(4-3)

特集名 透析医療における災害対策
題名 災害を迎え撃つ -- 未来へ [3] 災害時要援護者 (身障者) に対する災害対策の方向性
発刊年月 2006年 10月
著者 丸山 直紀 前 内閣府災害応急対策担当参事官補佐 (現 警察庁少年課課長補佐)
【 要旨 】 平成16年に発生した一連の風水害への対応に関し,高齢者,障害者等の災害時要援護者の避難支援についての課題が明らかとなった.そのため,内閣府では,要援護者情報の収集・共有等についての取組指針を示した「災害時要援護者の避難支援ガイドライン」を平成17年3月に策定したが,平成18年3月,有識者からなる検討会の検討成果を基に,上記ガイドラインを改訂し,避難所における要援護者用窓口の設置,福祉避難所の設置・活用の促進等の避難所における支援方策とともに,災害時における福祉サービスの継続,保健師,看護師等の広域的な応援等の関係機関等の間の連携方策について盛り込んでいる.
Theme Contingency Plans for Dialysis Treatment
Title Measures for supporting those with special needs -- Brief explanation of guidelines for establishing evacuation support systems
Author Naoki Maruyama Deputy Director for Disaster Response, Cabinet Office
[ Summary ] In 2004, major floods, landslides, torrential rains, and earthquakes assaulted Japan and displayed the vulnerability of systems for evacuation and support of those with special needs. Hence, the Cabinet Office set up a special committee and published guidelines in March 2005, which were revised in March 2006. These guidelines include specific measures such as collecting and sharing information on the elderly and disabled, as well as others in need of evacuation, and then creating an evacuation support plan. They also contain measures to support citizens at shelters, such as setting up counseling counters, and / or setting up and utilizing welfare shelters where facilities and equipment are available to support staff members in aiding those with special needs.