臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.11(4-2)

特集名 透析医療における災害対策
題名 災害を迎え撃つ -- 未来へ [2] 災害時の船舶利用
発刊年月 2006年 10月
著者 井上 欣三 神戸大学海事科学部
【 要旨 】 災害発生時にもっとも迅速になされるべきことは,緊急時医療活動である.今後危惧される大規模災害では,慢性の腎不全患者の維持透析への対応も重要な課題として見逃してはならない.渋滞でマヒする陸路の代わりに海上ルートで透析患者を近郊の病院に搬送し,併せて透析治療に必要な資機材を船で運搬することはきわめて自然な船と医療の連携活動である.
Theme Contingency Plans for Dialysis Treatment
Title Utilization of ships in medical crises
Author Kinzo Inoue Kobe University, Faculty of Maritime Sciences
[ Summary ] Earthquakes, which have damaged coastal cities have taught us that land transportation systems are easily destroyed due to damage to roads and heavy traffic jams. When we face such situations, urgent reactions must be considered in terms of sea transportation. The seaside can become an alternative gateway from or to the disaster area. The marine based crisis management system proposed here in will achieve improved disaster response.
In order that marine based urgent medical activities, such as transportation of patients requiring dialysis and materials for dialysis treatment be accomplished smoothly when a crisis occurs, we must pay attention to the following ideas :
(1) Help key personnel recognize that the shore is an alternative gateway, and ships can provide emergency support services.
(2) Provide periodic training for the preparation of systems operation.