臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.8(2-6)

特集名 透析室の環境整備 -- 院内感染を含めて
題名 [各論]透析室周辺の設備
発刊年月 2004年 07月
著者 石田 裕則 仁友会石田病院泌尿器科
著者 井関 竹男 仁友会石田病院事務部
著者 平間 康宣 仁友会石田病院事務部
著者 安済 勉 仁友会内科泌尿器科クリニック内科
【 要旨 】 血液透析療法の進歩・向上により,透析患者のquality of life (QOL) は向上してきている.しかし,透析室 (周辺設備も含めて) の環境整備という面では効率重視が優先され,患者のプライバシーの保護や,快適な空間・設備の提供などを怠ってきた感は否めない.患者の高齢化が進み,また施設に対する「より良い環境の提供」を求める声が強まってきていることより,患者の立場に立ったさまざまな配慮,サービス,癒しの空間を医療側として提供していかなければならないと考える.
Theme Environmental Arrangements of Hemodialysis Room -- including In-hospital Infection
Title Facilities in and around hemodialysis rooms
Author Hironori Ishida Department of Urology, Ishida Hospital
Author Takeo Izeki Department of Headquarters, Ishida Hospital
Author Yasunobu Hirama Department of Headquarters, Ishida Hospital
Author Tsutomu Anzai Department of Internal Medicine, Jinyukai Clinic
[ Summary ] The QOL for hemodialysis patients has been improving because of the progress being made in hemodialysis therapy. However, we have overlooked the facts that we must provide protection of privacy and offer comfortable facilities for the patients, due to these factors having priority over efficiency in hemodialysis treatment. Most patients desire facilities which are comfortable, functional and where the staff is kind to them (especially those having cerebro-vascular disorders, ROD etc.). Thus, it is strongly advisable to provide hemodialysis patients with services which include an excellent environment, including facilities in and around the hemodialysis room.