臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.5(12)

特集名 生体適合面からみた透析機器
題名 各種電解水を用いた透析機器の維持管理
発刊年月 2004年 05月
著者 佐藤 政範 永仁会病院臨床工学科・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 透析機器の洗浄消毒は従来,次亜塩素酸ソーダと酢酸を用い行われてきたが,透析液配管内に,有機物の付着が認められることがある.透析機器洗浄剤も各社より発売されているが確固たるものはない.そのなかで,薬剤と違い残留がなく,環境に優しい機能水 (電解水) の存在が注目されてきた.当院では,その電解水を使用し透析液の清浄化に効果を上げている.電解水による洗浄消毒は,薬剤の洗浄消毒より透析機器へのダメージが大きいとされてきたが,これまでの使用状況から維持管理について報告する.
Theme Biocompatibility on Materials for Dialysis Equipments and Devices
Title Management of dialysis circuits using electrolyzed water
Author Masanori Sato Department of Clinical Engineering, Eijinkai Hospital
[ Summary ] Sodium hypochlorite and acetic acid solutions have been used for the cleaning and sterilization of dialysate circuits. These disinfectants can not remove organic substances, which adhere to the internal surfaces of the dialysate lines.
Electrolyzed water attracted attention as aneco-friendly disinfectant for medical treatment. We used electrolyzed water (both in acidic solutions and alkaline solutions) for cleaning and disinfection of dialysate circuits. Reverse osmosis and electrolyzed water together can help produce dialysis solutions with high water quality. This is extremely important in maintaining optimal dialysis dose.
On one hand, cleaning and disinfection of dialysate lines with electrolyzed water showed good clinical effects. However the clinical use of electrolyzed water has caused damage to dialysis instruments.
From our clinical experience, we will report on points of maintenance for dialysis equipment related to the clinical use of the electrolyzed water.