臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.12(7)

特集名 透析患者の栄養評価における新理論と新技術
題名 Subjective global assessmentによる透析患者の栄養評価
発刊年月 2004年 11月
著者 兵藤 透 横浜第一病院泌尿器科/北里大学医学部泌尿器科
著者 具志堅 夏子 横浜第一病院・管理栄養士
著者 山本 スミ子 厚木クリニック・看護師
著者 吉田 一成 北里大学医学部泌尿器科
著者 馬場志郎 北里大学医学部泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 subjective global assessment (SGA) は,カナダのBakerらによって1982年に報告された臨床栄養評価法である.腎不全医療の分野でも欧米のガイドラインに紹介され,十分にその有用性が証明されている.われわれの経験では実際に筋肉量,皮下脂肪量の評価を行うに際し,文献に記載されている事柄を具体的にはどのようにして観察するのかという点でもっとも困惑させられた.おそらくSGAが本邦でその有用性に比しさほど普及していないのは,このあたりが原因の一つかとも思われる.そこで,本総説では具体的に,どのように検者の主観で筋肉量,皮下脂肪量を判定するのかを写真で示し解説を加えた.また,これまでのわれわれのSGA研究での検討では,本評価法は血液透析後に行うことが浮腫の評価の点から望ましく,また,B以下すなわち,中等度以下の栄養状態を示している外来維持血液透析患者では,その低栄養状態の背景になんらかの重大疾病が隠されていないかを精査する必要のあることが示唆された.
Theme New Trends in Nutritional Assessment of Dialysis Patients
Title Description of subjective global assessment technique
Author Toru Hyodo Department of Urology, Yokohama Dai-ichi Hospital / Department of Urology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Author Natsuko Gushiken Department of Nutrition, Yokohama Dai-ichi Hospital
Author Sumiko Yamamoto Department of Nursing, Atsugi Clinic
Author Kazunari Yoshida Department of Urology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Author Shiro Baba Department of Urology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Subjective global assessment (SGA) is a clinical nutritional assessment method, which Baker et al. on reported in 1982 in Canada. It was introduced into the Canadian, American and European guidelines in the field of renal failure and its usefulness has been widely accepted. In our experience, we were quite surprised when we actually observed the state described in the reference to the assessment of muscle mass and of subcutaneous fat volume. We think that this may be one of the causes why SGA is not as commonly used in Japan as would be expected from its usefulness. In the present review, we showed with photographs, how the examiners subjectively assessed muscle mass and subcutaneous fat volume and added comments on that subject. The results of our previous SGA study also suggested that it was desirable to conduct SGA after hemodialysis sessions because edema could be assessed. It was also suggested that outpatients on maintenance hemodialysis who were below B, that is, in a nutritionally state considered to be below adequate and, should be observed. It should be taken into consideration that some serious disease might be masked by these poor nutritional states.