臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.10(3-2)

特集名 透析医療におけるコミュニケーションスキル
題名 [腎不全看護におけるコミュニケーション]透析導入期患者に対して
発刊年月 2004年 09月
著者 山添 千春 信楽園病院血液浄化療法室・看護師
著者 田海 美子 信楽園病院血液浄化療法室・看護師
著者 村山 清己 信楽園病院血液浄化療法室・看護師
著者 宮崎 滋 信楽園病院内科
【 要旨 】 透析導入期においては,保存期での十分な説明により,透析そのものは理解できても,透析治療を受け止めることは困難な時期である.
Theme Communication Skill in the Dialysis Medical Treatment
Title Patients at initiation of dialysis
Author Chiharu Yamazoe Department of Nursing, Shinraku-en Hospital Kidney Center
Author Yoshiko Taumi Department of Nursing, Shinraku-en Hospital Kidney Center
Author Kiyomi Murayama Department of Nursing, Shinraku-en Hospital Kidney Center
Author Shigeru Miyazaki Department of Internal Medicine, Shinraku-en Hospital Kidney Center
[ Summary ] It is somewhat hard for patients to receive and continue regular dialysis therapy, especially in the initial phases even if they have already understood the effectiveness and significance of this therapy.
Patients feel a burden when dialysis therapy is started because this therapy produces social and psychological disturbances to patients. However, some patients receive hemodialysis without controlling their anxieties.
In order to decrease the anxieties of patients and help them to enjoy their daily lives, it should be emphasized that medical staffs have to watch carefully, judge supportively, understand logically and give advice to kidney patients.