臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.8(2)

特集名 透析医療におけるウーマン・ヘルス
題名 女児腎不全患者の思春期発達(性成熟)と成長
発刊年月 2003年 07月
著者 星井 桜子 国立療養所西札幌病院小児科
【 要旨 】 思春期は性ホルモン分泌の増加による二次性徴および急激な身長の増加(成長スパート)が特徴である.腎不全やその治療は思春期発達(性成熟)と成長に大きな影響を及ぼす.腎不全児の思春期発来は健常児より平均2年遅れ,成長スパートは約50%に低下している.腎不全児では性腺抑制にもかかわらず,ゴナドトロピン値の上昇は不適切で,下垂体性ゴナドトロピン分泌障害を示す.さらに,思春期発来は黄体化ホルモン(LH)周期的分泌の発現によるが,腎不全児ではLH周期的分泌は低下し,ゴナドトロピン系の視床下部-下垂体系調節障害が示唆される.LH周期的分泌は腎移植後に改善しうる.
Theme Characteristic Problems in Managing Female Dialysis Patients
Title Pubertal development (sexual maturation) and growth in girls with chronic renal failure
Author Sakurako Hoshii Department of Pediatrics, Nishi-Sapporo National Hospital
[ Summary ] Puberty is characterized by sexual maturation and a marked acceleration of statural growth (growth spurt), both of which are caused by an increase of gonadal hormone. Chronic renal failure and its treatment may interfere with pubertal development (sexual maturation) and growth. In children with chronic renal failure, the onset of puberty is delayed by 2 years on average and pubertal height gain is only about 50% of that in healthy children. The degree of hypergonadotropism is inadequate to compensate for the degree of hypogonadism present, suggesting a defect in hypophyseal gonadotropin secretion in children with chronic renal failure. The onset of puberty is delayed by decreased pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in chronic renal failure patients, indicating a deregulation at the hypothalamopituitary level of the gonadotropic axis. However, after renal transplantation, a regular pattern of LH pulses is established.