臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.6(2-2)

特集名 透析患者における心疾患への対応
題名 心疾患を有する透析患者のマネージメント (2) 腹膜透析
発刊年月 2003年 06月
著者 山地 泉 手稲溪仁会病院腎臓内科
著者 和田 篤志 旭川赤十字病院腎臓内科
著者 石黒 俊哉 旭川赤十字病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 腹膜透析は血行動態や体液恒常性に優れており,心疾患患者に適した透析療法である.心疾患患者の透析では心機能を考慮した綿密な体液管理が必要であるが,腹膜透析においては同時に残腎機能を維持することも重要である.脱水や低血圧は残腎機能を増悪させるため,除水は均等に実施することが望ましく,血圧が低下する夜間の多量の除水は避けるほうがよい.腹膜透析は体液管理が血液透析に比べて容易で,体液過剰になりにくいと考えられているが,実際には除水量の調節がむずかしく,体液過剰が潜在しやすいので,注意が必要である.体液過剰の是正や透析不足の改善,腹膜機能の温存を目的に腹膜透析と血液透析を併用することは有用で,とくに腎機能が廃絶した患者では併用療法の適応である.
Theme Cardioascular Diseases in Dialysis Patients -- Understanding, Treatment and Management
Title Management of dialysis patients with cardiac diseases: Peritoneal dialysis for patients with cardiac diseases
Author Izumi Yamaji Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Teine-Keijinkai Hospital
Author Atsushi Wada Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Red Cross Hospital
Author Toshiya Ishiguro Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Peritoneal dialysis is suitable in relation to the hemodynamics and fluid homeostasis for patients with cardiac diseases. It is necessary to accurately control fluid volume of dialysis patients for proper cardiac function. It is also important that peritoneal dialysis patients' residual renal function be maintained. Because dehydration or hypotension contributes to deterioration of residual renal function, it is recommended that water removal rates be stable in the day and it should be kept in mind that excess water removal at night is harmful to renal functions. It is thought that the control of fluid volume in peritoneal dialysis is easier compared to hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients are seldom overhydrated. However, it is difficult to contorol water removal accurately, and overhydrated patients with peritoneal dialysis are relatively common clinically. Peritoneal dialysis combined with hemodialysis, is effective to correct overhydration or underdialysis, and to maintain peritoneal function, especially in peritoneal dialysis patients without residual renal function.