臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.3(2-4)

特集名 透析医療における看護の質と量 -- 看護度設定とその効果
題名 臨床工学技士の立場からみた必要人員配置数
発刊年月 2003年 03月
著者 及川 一彦 永仁会病院腎センター・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 近年,医療費抑制の流れのなかで,透析患者の増加に伴い,2002年4月より診療報酬の改定で透析医療費の引き下げが実施された.透析医療の包括化でかなり厳しい現状である.このような結果,病院経営に与える影響は大きく,透析施設では,コスト削減に伴い合理化や省力化が考えられてきた.透析室では,患者数に対するスタッフの割合に影響を及ぼしているのが現状である.このような厳しい医療経済のなかで,患者のQOL向上に向け透析医療の質を落とさないことを目標とし,チーム医療の一員として,透析施設における安全かつ効率的に運営するための必要人員を,臨床工学技士の立場から検討した.
Theme The Quality of Nursing for Dialysis Treatment and the Amount of Nursing Available
Title Number of required personnel -- Clinical engineers standpoint
Author Kazuhiko Oikawa Clinical Engineer/Kidney Center Eijinkai Hospital
[ Summary ] There has been a recent tendency toward lowering medical bills, in relation to the increase in the number of dialysis patients. There has been a reduction in the amount paid for medical bills for dialysis patients since implementation of the amendment of medical fees, since April 2002. In relation to comprehensive medical treatments for dialysis patients, the situation has become critical. This situation had a great influence on the management of hospitals. To lower expenses, there has been an attempt to lower expenses by saving on labor in the dialysis units. As a result, there has been a great impact on the ratio of medical staff to patients in dialysis room.
Because of these severe economic constraints on the medical system, considerations concerning the necessary number personnel to safely and effectively: operate dialysis units, to produce high QOL for patients, without lowering the quality of medical treatment, due to reduced numbers of the clinical engineers had to be considered.