臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.3(2-2)

特集名 透析医療における看護の質と量 -- 看護度設定とその効果
題名 安全で効率的な透析スタッフ数についての考察
発刊年月 2003年 03月
著者 山崎 親雄 増子記念病院
【 要旨 】 透析医療の質の担保,安全と効率性の確保,患者満足度の向上のためには,透析医療施設基準を明確にすることが重要である.この基準は,透析医療界自らが策定したものが望ましい.とくに基準のソフト部分である適正スタッフ数は,上記の目的を達成するために欠かすことができない.本稿では,過去に調査された透析スタッフ数に関する実態について考察するとともに,今後の基準設定のための手順について言及した.このなかで,適正スタッフ数を算出するツールとして,透析看護度(患者の「手の掛かり度」)調査票の作成と普及がkeyとなる.適正スタッフ数を含む透析施設基準の策定は,コメディカルスタッフの地位と身分を保障する意味でも重要である.
Theme The Quality of Nursing for Dialysis Treatment and the Amount of Nursing Available
Title Inquiry into the number of dialysis staff members necessary for safety and efficiency of medical treatment
Author Chikao Yamazaki Masuko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] In order to insure the quality of dialysis treatment, to maintain its safety as well as efficiency and to improve the feeling of satisfaction in dialysis patients, it is important to establish a standardization of dialysis facilities. However, the level of standardization should not created by government edit only, but should be achieved through discussions with the staff participating in dialysis treatment. Among the many factors related to this criteria, proper number of dialysis staff members is considered to be the most important to achieve the purposes mentioned. This paper, examined the actual number of dialysis staff members in each dialysis facility according to the results reported by the Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians. In addition, mention is made of a method of making arrangements to settle on a new standardization of dialysis facilities which must be determined in the near future. Based on many different view points, it was concluded that an investigation of the degree of nursing care for each patient, in other words the degree of time consuming work, is the most suitable criteria when considering adequate dialysis staffnumbers. The establishment of dialysis facility standardization, especially indications of proper dialysis staffnumbers, is an important point to guarantee the work status to dialysis staff members as well as their salary.