臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.8(2-4-2)

特集名 薬物・毒物中毒と血液浄化法(症例集)
題名 [中毒症例]IV. その他 (2) クレゾール
発刊年月 2002年 07月
著者 辻藤 達也 岐阜大学医学部麻酔蘇生学教室
著者 土肥 修司 岐阜大学医学部麻酔蘇生学教室
【 要旨 】 フェノールの誘導体であるクレゾールは消毒薬として広く用いられてきた.クレゾールの消毒効果は,細胞質内の蛋白を凝固させることであり,粘膜,上気道,眼球,皮膚に障害をもたらす.クレゾール中毒は吸引したり,皮膚に接触したり,経口的に摂取したりすると呼吸不全や,腎不全が生じ,重篤な場合は昏睡に陥ることもある.
Theme Intoxication of Drugs and Poisons and Blood Purification Therapy (Case Report)
Title Therapy for cresol poisoning
Author Tatsuya Tsujito Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
Author Shuji Dohi Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Cresol, a phenol derivative (CH3C6H4OH), has been widely used for disinfecting inanimate objects. Since its disinfectant effects are due to denaturation and precipitation of proteins, cresol is extremely destructive to tissue of the mucous membrane, upper respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. Cresol intoxication can develop either after inhalation, cutaneous absorption, or oral ingestion and may result in respiratory failure, renal dysfunction, and/or coma in severe cases.
No report, however, has described cresol ingestion causing marked increases in aminotransferase levels. We present a case of a 26-year-old woman whose aminotransferase levels markedly increased 24 hours after ingestion of 70ml of cresol. She received no specific therapy, or blood purification, and recovered without neurological complications.