臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.2(6)

特集名 透析療法とsleep apnea syndrome (SAS)
題名 呼吸器疾患とSAS
発刊年月 2002年 02月
著者 飛田 渉 東北大学大学院病態生理情報学講座
著者 及川 まなみ 東北大学大学院感染病態学分野
【 要旨 】 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD),気管支喘息および拘束性換気障害(超肥満,高度胸郭変形,神経筋疾患)などの呼吸器疾患に睡眠時無呼吸症候群(SAS)が合併すると夜間の低酸素血症が惹起しやすくなり,それぞれ単独の疾患よりも重症化し,肺高血圧症,右心不全をきたし,肺性心への転帰をとりやすい.COPDとSASの合併例をとくに"overlap syndrome"という.治療は最近話題の持続気道陽圧呼吸(CPAP)療法,非侵襲的換気補助療法(NPPV)が基本となるが,これで低酸素血症が改善しないときには酸素療法を併用する.
Theme Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients
Title Chronic respiratory diseases and SAS
Author Wataru Hida Department of Informatics on Pathophysiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences
Author Manami Oikawa Department of Respiratory & Infectious Diseases, Postgraduate Division, Tohoku University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Since neither chronic respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma and restrictive ventilatory impairment nor sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) is rare, COPD and SAS can occasionally coexist. An association of these two diseases has relatively profound nocturnal hypoxemia, compared with each alone, and also leads to the development of right ventricular failure, so-called cor pulmonale. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is useful for treatment of SAS. However, even though CPAP or NPPV has improved apnea/hypopnea episodes associated with SAS, some patients still display nocturnal hypoxemia. For treatment of such patients, the combination of CPAP or NPPV and supplemental oxygen therapy should be made available.