臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.10(1-5)

特集名 モニタリング機器をどう取り扱うか -- 原理と応用・注意点
題名 一般的機器 (5) 酸素飽和度モニタ
発刊年月 2002年 09月
著者 和泉 徹 日本大学医学部救急医学
著者 権田 正樹 日本大学医学部臨床工学室
【 要旨 】 近年の多くの測定・解析機器の開発や情報処理技術の進歩は,呼吸管理の様相を大きく変えてきた.持続的オキシメトリとして総称される酸素飽和度測定としてはパルスオキシメトリ,肺動脈オキシメトリがベッドサイドで行われている.
Theme How To Use Monitoring Machines
Title Monitoring oxygen saturation
Author Toru Izumi Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine
Author Masaki Gonda Clinical Engineering, Nihon University Itabashi Hospital
[ Summary ] In recent years, the development of a variety of measuring and analytical instruments and progress in information processing techniques has led to great changes in the aspects of respiratory care. Oximetry is an opitical method for measuring oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood. Two types of continuous oximeters are pulse oximeters, and fiberoptic-equipped catheters, attached to external spectrophotometers. The advent of the pulse oximeter, especially, has made it possible to perform continuous monitoring of arterial oxygen saturation in a noninvasive and simple manner. This has brought about a great deal of progress in maintaining patient security. It is very useful, in terms of coping with time constraints of morbid patient conditions and in detecting hypoxemia. It is also useful because it can be used to immediately judge therapeutic effects. The basis for measuring hemoglobin oxygen saturation is based on spectro photometory. It is necessary to understand the clinical advantages and limitations of this tool.