臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.8(2-3)

特集名 透析患者における感染症学 ---- 診断と治療の進歩
題名 特殊な病態における感染症 (3) ブラッドアクセス感染症
発刊年月 2001年 07月
著者 上泉 洋 岩見沢市立総合病院外科・透析科
著者 阿部 憲司 岩見沢市立総合病院外科・透析科
著者 伊藤 浩二 岩見沢市立総合病院外科・透析科
【 要旨 】 ブラッドアクセス(以下,BA)は血液透析を行っている患者の命綱であり,その維持は重大な課題である.アクセストラブルのなかで感染症は生命予後にまで即時的な影響を及ぼす可能性がある.
Theme Infections Diseases in Hemodialysis Patients -- the Progress of Diagnosis and Therapy
Title Blood access infection
Author Yo Kamiizumi Department of Surgery & Dialysis Center, Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital
Author Kenji Abe Department of Surgery & Dialysis Center, Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital
Author Kouji Ito Department of Surgery & Dialysis Center, Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital
[ Summary ] Blood access is a lifeline to patients placed under choronic hemodialysis and maintenance of blood access is one of the most important subjects in dialysis therapy. Among blood access troubles, infectious complication influences the mortality and morbidity of dialysis patients. Local infection of blood access may result in making use of the access impossible and might develop into a further serious complication: sepsis. Blood access infection is classified into wound infection and infection appearring on the puncture-site. Wound infection is most commonly observed in catheter indwelled blood vessels and this increases incidence if the catheter has been indwell for longer periods. Infection related to the catheter can be treated successfully by its removal. Puncture-site infection will be seen mostly in blood access where grafts are used, while this type of infection is rare in native AVF. Blood access infection as a whole is more common in the USA and Europe, chiefly becase graft material is used more often in these countries. Graft infection usually requires the fairly elaborate surgical removal for complete healing.