臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.12(6)

特集名 臨床検査値から栄養管理への展開
題名 カルシウム,リンの異常とその栄養学的対策
発刊年月 2001年 11月
著者 大場 由理 春日部秀和病院栄養室・管理栄養士
著者 栗原 怜 春日部秀和病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者ではビタミンD(VD)欠乏による腸管からのカルシウム(Ca)吸収低下,および腎からのリン(P)排泄低下により,しばしばCa,Pの代謝異常が進行し腎性骨異栄養症や異所性石灰化を発症する.これらを予防するためにはVD製剤やP吸着剤による治療とともにCa,Pに対する栄養学的食事指導が重要である.たんぱく質やCa含有量の多い食品は通常P含有量も多いため,透析患者では適度の摂取制限が必要となる.P含有量の多い食品は乳製品,魚介類,レバー,日本そば,保存食品などである.必要量のたんぱく質が摂取されたうえでかつ血清P濃度を適正に維持するためには,ほとんどの患者でP吸着剤の服用が必要となる.
Theme Expanding Clinical Experimental Findings for Nutritional Management
Title Nutrition and dietary guidance for abnormal metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in dialysis patients
Author Yuri Oba Department of Nutrition, Kasukabe-Shuwa Hospital
Author Satoshi Kurihara Department of Nephrology, Kasukabe-Shuwa Hospital
[ Summary ] In dialysis patients, abnormal metabolism of calcium(Ca) and phosphorus(P) frequently develops due to decreased excretion of P from the kidney and the decreased absorption of Ca from the intestine resulting from vitamin D deficiency. Low serum Ca and high serum P lead to renal osteodystrophy due to the overse cretion of parathyroid hormone, and high Ca-P products increase the risk of metastatic soft tissue calcifications, especially within the cardiovascular system.
To prevent these serious complications, dietary guidance on Ca and P intake is very importants. Food high in protein and/or Ca contents are usually high in P and must be therefore restricted in dialysis patients. High P containing foods are dairy products, fish and shellfish, liver, buckwheat noodles, and preserved food. If protein intake is adequate, there is almost always a requirement for phosphate binders to appropriately control serum P.
Based on clinical laboratory data, the status of complications, the medications taken, and the patients' food preferences, dietary P intake should be aggressively restricted in order to maintain a healthy nutritional status in dialysis patients.