臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.12(3)

特集名 透析患者の薬物の処方とモニタリング
題名 抗凝固薬の薬物動態
発刊年月 1999年 11月
著者 杉山 隆之 清水製薬株式会社研究開発本部清水研究所
【 要旨 】 現在,血液透析用抗凝固薬として未分画ヘパリン(UFH),低分子量ヘパリン(LMWH),メシル酸ナファモスタット(NM)などが使用されているが,患者の状態に応じた適切な抗凝固薬の選択が重要である.UFHの血漿中半減期は1~2時間で,持続注入により安定した抗凝固効果が得られ,血漿中抗Xa活性,活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間は一定に推移する.LMWHは血漿中半減期が約4時間と長く,出血性病変のない患者には単回投与法で投与できるが,出血性病変を有する患者には持続注入する.LMWHのモニタリングは,血漿中抗Xa活性などで行う.NMは作用が短く,体外循環路内のみで作用する局所抗凝固薬として出血の危険の高い患者に用いる.モニタリングはNMの血中濃度と相関する活性化全血凝固時間で行う.
Theme Prescription of Therapeutics and Monitoring for the Dialysis Patients
Title Pharmacokinetics of anticoagulants in hemodialysis
Author Takayuki Sugiyama Shimizu Research Center, Research and Development Division, Shimizu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
[ Summary ] At present, an unfractionated heparin (UFH), low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) and nafamostat mesilate (NM) are mainly used as anticoagulants in hemodialysis (HD), and it is thought to be important to appropriately select them according to the condition of the HD patient, for safer treatment. UFH, for which the half- life in plasma is for 1 to 2 hours, is continuously infused to obtain stable anticoagulant effects with constant anti-factor Xa activity and prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin times during HD. LMWH, with a longer half-life of approximately for 4 hours, can be administered by bolus injection for its total dosage in HD patients, without any hemorrhagic episodes, while it should be administered only by continuous infusion in patients with bleeding disorders or bleeding tendencies. LMWH can be monitored by its anti-factor Xa activity-based as says such as specific chromogenic methods. NM can be administered to patients with high risk of bleeding, as a regional anticoagulant, that works only in an extracorporal circuit, due to its short activity time. The effect of NM is monitored through observing activated coagulation times, which demonstrate a positive correlation with NM blood levels.