臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.12(12)

特集名 透析患者の薬物の処方とモニタリング
題名 麻酔薬のTDM
発刊年月 1999年 11月
著者 林田 眞和 東京大学医学部麻酔学教室
著者 花岡 一雄 東京大学医学部麻酔学教室
【 要旨 】 透析患者では,薬物の尿中排泄の減少ないし廃絶,薬物分布容積の変化,薬物の蛋白結合の変化,血液・組織のpHの変化など種々の要因によって麻酔薬の薬物動態も大きな影響を受ける.モルヒネ,ペチジン,腎排泄性の筋弛緩薬などでその影響が大きい.透析患者では,吸入あるいは局所麻酔薬以外は,分割滴定により必要最小量を投与することが重要である.
Theme Prescription of Therapeutics and Monitoring for the Dialysis Patients
Title Pharmacology of anesthetic agents in anephric patients
Author Masakazu Hayashida Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Author Kazuo Hanaoka Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] The pharmacokinetics of volatile, local anesthetics are not altered in anephric patients. However, morphine and petidine may exert excessive and prolonged effects in patients with uremia, mainly due to the accumulation of active metabolites and decreased clearance, while the pharmacology of fentanyl is affected less significantly by renal failure. Hypnotic effects of intravenous anesthetics, including benzodiazepines and barbiturates, may be augmented through reduced protein-binding in anephric patients, though elimination profiles of these drugs are not influenced by renal failure. Among the neuromuscular blocking agents, pancuronium and d-tubocurarine exert more prolonged effects than vecuronium in uremic patients, because of their greater renal excression. Thus, although no anesthetic agents are contraindicated in anephric patients, some of them should be administrated to these patients with special cautions.