臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.9(3-2)

特集名 透析の導入・継続・中止
題名 透析の中止 (2) 「死を看取る」うえでのケア
発刊年月 1998年 07月
著者 吉海 乃扶子 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター内科病棟・看護婦
【 要旨 】 透析患者が悪性腫瘍を合併し,死を迎えた.それを看取った家族の心の動きを通して,死に至るまでの危機が「癌による患者の死」,「透析中止の決断」と二つの異なる危機としておとずれることに着目した.日本人の特徴として,家族と死について話すことをタブー視する傾向にあり,そのことが「透析中止の決断」という危機の受容を困難にしていると考える.この二つの危機に直面することを想定し,患者および家族に対し,このタブーに対する介入も含めた関わりを行うことが死を受容するうえで望ましいのではないか.
Theme Initiation, Maintenance and Discontinuation of Dialysis Therapy
Title Nursing for the family of a patient before leading to death
Author Nobuko Yoshikai Department of Nursing, Internal Ward of Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] An HD(hemodialysis) patient was diagnosed with terminal cancer, resulting in the death of th epatient.
From the painful experience of the patient's family members, it was concluded, that before the death of the patient, two painful subjects must be broached. The first subject being the impending death of the patient, due to cancer. The second being the decision to stop HD therapy.
A distinctive characteristic of Japanese culture is that it is considered to be taboo to speak of the patient's impending death with the family. This often leads to a problem with the acceptance of the patient's terminal condition, when making decisions to stop HD.
When these critical points are reached, it is vital to discuss the patient's prognosis with family members, in order to help them accept it as painlessly as possible.