臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.9(2-3)

特集名 透析の導入・継続・中止
題名 透析の継続 (3) 社会復帰の現状と問題点
発刊年月 1998年 07月
著者 山 親雄 増子記念病院
【 要旨 】 透析患者に対する支援の焦点は,長期生存・合併症対策から,高いQOLを目指したものへとシフトしつつある.
Theme Initiation, Maintenance and Discontinuation of Dialysis Therapy
Title Social activity in HD patients
Author Chikao Yamazaki Masuko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] A special concern for nephrologists in dialysis treatment has been attending to the prolongation of patients' survival, and prevention of dialysis complications, however, there has been a change in desired goals for nephrologists, with a greater emphasis being placed on QOL, at this time. At present, the percentage of patients returning to work is 75% in those less than 60 years. But, the amount for annual income for dialysis patients is less than the average national income in one third of the cases. Among patients who have returned to work for 5 years, one third of the patients have experienced either dismissal or retirement from work. The main reason being that they are undergoing dialysis. It is difficult to get new job, therefore, it is desirable for to continue their job is during dialysis treatment. One of the most important social problems surrounding dialysis treatment is impairment of aged patients' daily life. Those who have both an impairment of IADL and ADL, often need help from someone even in everyday life. There is a limitation to the care of patients by family members or the staff in dialysis centers. In these cases, some dialysis patients might need some type of social support system provided by the law (KAIGO-HOKEN-HOU). This law was recently established to provide care for disabled persons.