臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.4(2-7)

特集名 Uremic Toxins
題名 各論 (7) ポリアミン [2] 腎不全血中での役割
発刊年月 1998年 04月
著者 斎藤 明 東海大学医学部腎・代謝内科
【 要旨 】 慢性腎不全患者血漿中のputrescine(PUT),cadaverine(CAD),spermidine(SPD),spermine(SPM)の4種類のポリアミンは,いずれも正常者に比して高値を示していた.透析後の血漿総PUTならびにSPDは,前値に比し有意の低下が認められた.慢性血液透析患者では,血漿SPMとヘマトクリット(Ht)との間に弱い負の相関関係が認められたが,PUT,CAD,SPDとHtとの間には相関関係は認められなかった.しかし,血液透析患者の赤血球SPMとHtとの間には相関関係は認められなかった.慢性腎不全においてSPMは赤芽球増殖抑制作用を有すると同時に,平滑筋の増殖刺激作用も見受けられ,動脈硬化促進作用をもつことも考えられる.
Theme Uremic Toxins
Title Polyamines in urema
Author Akira Saito Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Plasma levels of polyamines, putrescine (put), cadaverine (cad), spermidine (spd) and spermine (spm) were higher in chronic renal failure patients than in normal subjects. Post-dialysis levels of plasma put and spd were significantly lower than predialysis levels. An inverse correlation between hematocrit rates and plasma spm levels was seen in long-term hemodialysis patients (r=-0.448, p<0.03). However, there was no correlation between hematocrit rates and plasma put, cad or spd levels in these patients. Spm has been considered to be not only an inhibitor of erythropoiesis, but also a stimulator of smooth muscle proliferation and an accelerator of atherosclerosis in chronic renal failure.