臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.13(1)

特集名 透析患者の眼疾患
題名 白内障
発刊年月 1998年 11月
著者 黒川 智子 社会保険中京病院眼科
著者 市川 一夫 社会保険中京病院眼科
【 要旨 】 白内障は眼内の水晶体が混濁する疾患で,光の透過性が悪くなり視力低下をきたす.治療は手術になるが,透析患者では,(1) 入院中の透析の必要性,(2) 出血傾向,(3) 全身管理の困難,(4) 糖尿病性網膜症の合併などの問題がある.われわれの施設では,点眼麻酔,折り畳める眼内レンズなどを用いた新しい術式で,前述の問題点の多くを回避することができた.1995年12月~1997年12月に41例の透析患者に白内障手術を施行し,2段階以上の視力改善率82.9%と良好だった.しかし,1例で駆出性出血という重篤な合併症をきたし,今後の課題といえる.手術適応は基本的に患者の症状によるが,矯正視力0.5以下,自動車の運転を希望する場合は矯正視力0.7以下を目安としている.
Theme Ocular Disease in Hemodialysis Patients
Title Cataract
Author Tomoko Kurokawa Department of Ophthalmology, Chukyo Hospital
Author Kazuo Ichikawa Department of Ophthalmology, Chukyo Hospital
[ Summary ] Cataracts are an ophthalmic condition resulting in lens opacity, causing decreased lens transparency which results in impaired visual acuity. Although surgery is usually indicated for cataracts, there are several problems with this surgery for dialysis patients: 1) necessity of dialysis during hospital stay for surgery, 2) tendency to bleed, 3) difficulty with general management, and 4) complications from diabetic retinopathy. At our institution, these problems were mostly over come by a new surgical technique using surface anesthesia and a foldable intraocular lens. Visual improvement of 2 grades or more was achieved in 82.9% of the 41 dialysis patients who underwent cataract surgery between December 1995 and December 1997. A serious complication,expulsive hemorrhaging, occurred in one patient. Although indications for surgery basically depend on the patient's condition,we perform surgery in patients with corrected visual acuity of less than 0.5. When the patient wants to drive a car, the limit can be 0.7.