臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.11(9-1)

特集名 腎疾患患者の食事援助 -- 治療用特殊食品の利用
題名 食物繊維製品 (1) 特性と利点
発刊年月 1997年 10月
著者 稲本 元 慶應義塾大学医学部内科 / 中央透析室
【 要旨 】 食物繊維の不足は便秘,大腸疾患,脂質,糖質代謝異常および関連疾患発生に関連する.透析患者ではカリウム制限のため食物繊維摂取量は一般人の45%と少なく,便秘の頻度が71%と高く,大腸,直腸癌の発生は2~3倍多い.
Theme The Support of Nutritional Condition of Patients with Renal Disease -- Foods for special dietary uses
Title Potassium free fiber foods for dialysis patients
Author Hajime Inamoto Division of Dialysis, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University
[ Summary ] Lack of dietary fiber has been shown to be an important cause of constipation, colon diseases and metabolic disorders of carbohydrate and fat. The mean dietary fiber intake of dialysis patients corresponds to only about 45% of the daily intake of an average Japanese, due to the restricted potassium intake. Seventy-one percent of dialysis patients suffer from constipation. The incidences of colon and rectal cancer are 2 to 3 fold higher than those in the general population.
Usual fiber-rich foods contain potassium, salt and at most 7 to 8% dietary fiber. Usual fiber drinks contain water and synthetic fiber. Ideal fiber foods for dialysis patients would be free of potassium, phosphate, salt, energy, water and unnecessary chemicals. Celuri-Hi satisfies this condition, and is very effective for constipation. The excessive 1,000 ml of water is excreted in a week with potassium, salt and phosphate via the stools using Celluri-Hi. The dinner table has now become plentiful. Dietary fiber should be regarded as the 6th nutrient, especially in dialysis patients.