臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.11(7-1)

特集名 腎疾患患者の食事援助 -- 治療用特殊食品の利用
題名 リン調整食品 (1) 特性と利点
発刊年月 1997年 10月
著者 大塚 量子 和歌山信愛女子短期大学生活文化学科 / 和歌山県立医科大学腎センター
【 要旨 】 透析患者の高リン血症に対する食事療法は,日常,家庭で使用する食品の範囲を超え,種々のリン調整食品を利用しなければ血中リン濃度を低下させることは難しいのが現状である.しかもリン調整食品を継続利用して効果をあげるためには,薬品ではなく食品であること,つまり,第一条件は日常の食品と同じレベルでの"おいしさ"が求められることである.
Theme The Support of Nutritional Condition of Patients with Renal Disease -- Foods for special dietary uses
Title The characteristics and advantages of the phosphorous adjusting foods
Author Kazuko Otsuka Department of Life and Culture Studies Major in Dietetics, Wakayama SIN-AI Junior College
[ Summary ] The diet for hemodialysis patients can hardly be efficacious against hyperphosphatemia if various phosphorous adjusting foods are not utilized in addition to the routine foods which lower the phosphorous concentration in blood.
To utilize phosphorous adjusting foods continuously, they must be dealt with not as medicine but as foods. In other words, the most important point for any phosphorous adjusting food is its taste, which must be equal to that of routine foods. In this study, we examined the characteristics and the advantages of phosphorous adjusting foods through the classification of protein content. We also studied examples of effectiveness in lowering phosphorus. Phosphorous adjusting foods can be utilized effectively to prevent or treat hyperphosphatemia when they are cooked according to their chemical characteristics and are added to or substituted for routine foods.