臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.11(2)

特集名 腎疾患患者の食事援助 -- 治療用特殊食品の利用
題名 腎疾患食事療法のガイドライン
発刊年月 1997年 10月
著者 椎貝 達夫 総合病院取手協同病院内科
【 要旨 】 1997年2月に腎疾患患者の食事療法についての日本腎臓学会ガイドラインが発表された.このガイドラインの基本方針は,食事蛋白・エネルギーなどの摂取目標値を実行可能で安全,かつ有効な値とした点である.
保存期慢性腎不全(CRF)では蛋白0.6g/kg/dayを目標とし,原則として24時間蓄尿による食事コンプライアンスのチェックを行うことにした.エネルギー摂取量は症例ごとに27~36 kcalの範囲で適正な摂取量を定めることにした.
Theme The Support of Nutritional Condition of Patients with Renal Disease -- Foods for special dietary uses
Title The guideline of diet therapy for renal disease
Author Tatsuo Shiigai Department of Medicine, Toride Kyodo General Hospital
[ Summary ] The Guidelines for Dietary Therapy for Renal Diseases (February 1997) by the Japanese Society of Nephrology recommends a prescription which is safe and effective, so that it can be stuck to by a large number of patients with renal disease.
For patients with non-dialyzed chronic renal failure, we usually prescribe 0.6g/kg/day protein and 27 to 36 kcal/kg/day (depending on energy expenditure).To assess dietary compliance and nutritional status, we routinely perform 24 hr urine collections to determine urinary urea and non-urea nitrogen.
Ideal protein intake for patients with nephrotic syndrome (excluding minimal change disease) has yet to be established. However, a high protein intake is clearly incorrect. Our prescription, at present, is 0.8g/kg/day protein. In case a more restricted regimen is required, precautions are needed to avoid malnutrition. Periodical determinations of serum and urine chemistry data, such as serum albumin and urinary protein excretion, may also be needed to determine whether the prescribed diet is beneficial and safe.