INTESTINE Vol.5 No.3(5-2)

特集名 臨床医のための大腸癌の分子病理学
題名 特殊な大腸癌 (2) Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer(HNPCC)
発刊年月 2001年 05月
著者 古川 泰司 自治医科大学消化器・一般外科
著者 小西 文雄 自治医科大学大宮医療センター消化器外科
著者 紫藤 和久 自治医科大学消化器・一般外科
著者 永井 秀雄 自治医科大学消化器・一般外科
著者 塚本 俊彦 北里大学薬学部生化学
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Molecular pathology of colorectal cancer for clinicians
Title Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer(HNPCC)
Author Taiji Furukawa Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School
Author Fumio Konishi Department of Surgery, Jichi Omiya Medical Center
Author Kazuhisa Shitoh Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School
Author Hideo Nagai Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School
Author Toshihiko Tsukamoto Department of Pharmacology, Kitasato University
[ Summary ] Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer(HNPCC) is an autosomal dominant inherited disease, characterized by early onset age, rightsided predominance, increased incidence of synchronous and metachronous colorectal cancers as well as endometrial, urinary tract, small-bowell, and gastric cancers. Currently, diagnosis of HNPCC is dependent on the criteria proposed by the International Collaborative Group on HNPCC, known as the "Amsterdam Criteria." However, because this criteria is so stringent, the Japanese Clinical Criteria has been used in this country.