INTESTINE Vol.4 No.6(3-1)

特集名 大きな(2cm以上)ポリープの取扱い --内視鏡治療の適応と手技
題名 治療手技(適応も含む) (1) 内視鏡的治療の立場から b.合併症と治療の妥当性
発刊年月 2000年 11月
著者 碓井 芳樹 社会保険中央病院大腸肛門病センター
著者 岩垂 純一 社会保険中央病院大腸肛門病センター
著者 佐原 力三郎 社会保険中央病院大腸肛門病センター
著者 奥田 哲也 社会保険中央病院大腸肛門病センター
著者 近藤 健司 社会保険中央病院大腸肛門病センター
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Management of large colorectal polyp --Indication and technique of endoscopic treatment
Title Colonoscopic treatment of the large polyp
Author Yoshiki Usui Colo-pproctology Center, Social Insurance Central Hospital
Author Junichi Iwadare Colo-pproctology Center, Social Insurance Central Hospital
Author Rikisaburou Sahara Colo-pproctology Center, Social Insurance Central Hospital
Author Tetsuya Okuda Colo-pproctology Center, Social Insurance Central Hospital
Author Kenji Kondou Colo-pproctology Center, Social Insurance Central Hospital
[ Summary ] This study was carried out to determine the therapeutic efficacy of colonoscopic resection, in cluding piecemeal mucosal resection. During the period from January 1990 to June 2000, we colonoscopically resected 419 lesions which were 20mm or larger in size (Ip 188, Isp 90, Is 38, IIa and LST 103). We analyzed 130 lesions (Isp 46, Is 26, IIa and LST 58) which could be sufficiently evaluated in respect to cure rates. They were observed for an average of 22.4 months (max 103 months), excluding Ip lesions and operative lesions, after colonoscopic resection, because of submucosal invasion and perforation. One hundred twenty nine lesions were completely cured colonoscopically. One lesion was operated on after colonoscopic resection because of suspicions about local residue. However, pathological examination was not performed on local residue. In conclusion, colonoscopic resection of large polyps exhibits excellent therapeutic efficacy.