INTESTINE Vol.4 No.4(1-5)

特集名 いわゆるLST非顆粒型をめぐって
題名 IIcとLST非顆粒型の相違点と類似点 (5) 病理の立場から
発刊年月 2000年 07月
著者 日下 利広 獨協医科大学病理学(人体分子)
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme So-celled non-granular typed laterally spreading tumor
Title Histopathological and molecularpathological characterization of laterally spreading tumors compared with depressed type colorectal tumors
Author Toshihiro Kusaka Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Recent advancies in colonoscopic examination revealed many superficial-type colorectal tumors including depressed type tumors (IIc) and laterally spreading tumors (LST). LSTs have been known to have a morphological features that their vertical growth are very slight compared with their horizontal growth and they are classified into two subtypes : granular (LST-G) and non-granular (LST-NG). Morphologically, LST-NG have no granule or nodule and some cases of LST-NG have shallow depression, LST-NG is similar to depressed type tumors.
We investigated the histopathological and molecularpathological features of LST-NG compared with depressed type colorectal tumors. Histopathologically, LST-NGs had the demarcation points made by tumor glands and non-tumor glands, and most of LST-NGs had straight tumor glands without budding growth similar to depressed type tumors. Molecularpathologically, LST-NG is similar to depressed type tumor in that LST-NGs showed few K-ras mutations and a third cases of the LST-NG showed p53-immunoreactivities diffusely, however, LST-NG is not similar to depressed type tumor in that most cases of LST-NGs preserved membranous expression of E-cadherin. Preserved membranous expression of E-cadherin may promote superficial spreading of tumor cells of LST.