INTESTINE Vol.3 No.3(2-1)

特集名 EUS --大腸癌の断層像に迫る
題名 大腸腫瘍に対するEUSの実際 (1) 専用機と20MHz細径 --早期大腸癌における体腔内超音波診断;超音波内視鏡と超音波数細径超音波プローブの比較を中心に
発刊年月 1999年 05月
著者 野村 美樹子 仙台市医療センター消化器内科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Endscopic Ultrasonography for Colorectal Cancer
Title Diagnosis of early colorectal cancer by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and high-frequency ultrasonic probe (microscanner : MS)
Author Mikiko Nomura Department of Gastroenterology, Sendai City Medical Center
[ Summary ] The efficacy of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and microscanners (MS) in diagnosing the depth of invasion of early colorectal cancer has begun to be recognized. It is necessary to use these devices based on their different properties, for different purposes and for different conditions.
1) When the elevation of early colorectal cancer in 10mm or less, the overall size is small, or minute submucosal invasion is suspected, MS is more useful than EUS.
2) When the elevation of early colorectal cancer is about 11-15 mm, the overall size is large, or there is paracolonic lymph node metastasis, EUS is more useful than MS.
MS is the examination of choice in the decision as to whether or not early colonic cancer is resectable by endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR).