INTESTINE Vol.22 No.5(5)

特集名 大腸腫瘍の分子生物学
題名 癌の浸潤転移と分子生物学
発刊年月 2018年 09月
著者 神藤 英二 防衛医科大学校外科学講座
著者 深澤 智美 防衛医科大学校外科学講座
著者 梶原 由規 防衛医科大学校外科学講座
著者 望月 早月 防衛医科大学校外科学講座
著者 岡本 耕一 防衛医科大学校外科学講座
著者 山寺 勝人 防衛医科大学校外科学講座
著者 津田 均 防衛医科大学病態病理学講座
著者 上野 秀樹 防衛医科大学校外科学講座
【 要旨 】 大腸癌の先進部では,癌の浸潤性や転移能を規定するうえで鍵となる分子変化が起こり,高悪性度の癌では上皮間葉転換(EMT)に関連した形態学的,分子生物学的な変化を高頻度に認める.これらのEMTマーカーは強力な予後因子となることが知られており,pT3大腸癌を対象とした教室の検討でも,簇出Grade(G)3群(5年生存率59.8%)はG1,2群(87.7%)と比べ予後不良で(P<0.0001),cytoplasmic podiaも高度群(60.5%)と軽度群(83.8%)の間に差を認めた(P=0.003).組織マイクロアレイを利用した検討では,先進部におけるカドヘリン発現低下(HR:2.6,P=0.0082)が独立した再発因子であることが示されている.これらのEMTマーカーは癌の転移能と強く相関すると解釈でき,癌の悪性度を推し量るうえで臨床的に利用価値が高い.
Theme Molecular biology of colorectal tumors
Title Invasion and metastasis of colorectal cancer
Author Eiji Shinto Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Satomi Fukazawa Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Yoshiki Kajiwara Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Satsuki Mochizuki Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Koichi Okamoto Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Masato Yamadera Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Hitoshi Tsuda Department of Pathology, National Defense Medical College
Author Hideki Ueno Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] Colorectal cancer cells located at the invasive front of primary tumors exhibit site-specific morphological features (e.g., tumor budding and cytoplasmic podia), as well as molecular indications such as various forms of gene expression associated with epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT), which represent a potential for invasiveness and metastasis. Their prognostic significance has been repeatedly demonstrated. In our retrospective study of patients with resected pT3 colorectal cancer, it was shown that high-grade budding was associated with unfavorable prognoses as compared to low-grade budding. For example the 5-year overall survival (OS) rate was 59.8 and 87.7 % respectively (P< 0.0001). Similarly, the 5-year OS rate in patients with high-grade cytoplasmic podia (60.5 %) was much lower than those with low-grade cytoplasmic podia (83.8 %; P=0.0003). Additionally, area-specific tissue microarray analysis demonstrated that reduced expression of E-cadherin in cancer cells at the invasive front was an independent prognostic factor (hazard ratio: 2.6, P= 0.0082).
Morphological and molecular features at the invasive front are closely associated with the metastatic potential of individual tumors, which could be useful biomarkers to evaluate tumor aggressiveness in clinical practice.