INTESTINE Vol.22 No.3(7)

特集名 病態から考え出されたIBD治療の進歩
題名 抗α4β7インテグリン抗体製剤
発刊年月 2018年 05月
著者 梁井 俊一 岩手医科大学消化器内科消化管分野
著者 松本 主之 岩手医科大学消化器内科消化管分野
【 要旨 】 炎症性腸疾患において,抗TNF-α抗体製剤はもっとも有効な治療薬の一つとなったが,近年では新たな薬剤の開発と臨床応用も進んでいる.とくに,サイトカインや接着因子を標的とした新規薬剤の有効性が確認されている.抗α4β7インテグリン抗体製剤は,消化管粘膜に発現するMAdCAM-1と特異的に結合することで,腸管の炎症局所へのリンパ球の遊走を阻害する生物学的製剤である.本剤は高い腸管選択性が特徴の一つであり,欧米ではすでに承認されており,本邦でも潰瘍性大腸炎に関しては臨床試験が終了している.
Theme Recent advance in the treatment of IBD based on the pathogenesis
Title α4β7 integrin treatment for inflammatory bowel disease
Author Shunichi Yanai Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Iwate Medical University
Author Takayuki Matsumoto Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Iwate Medical University
[ Summary ] Anti-TNF therapy has become an essential treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. Recently, biologics targeting other cytokines and adhesion molecules have been developed. Vedolizumab is a biologic, which inhibits α4β7 integrin-MAdCAM-1 interaction, and as a consequence, inhibits recruitment of lymphocytes in tissue. Since MAdCAM-1 is specifically expressed in the venules and lymphoid tissues of the gastrointestinal mucosa. The action of vedolizumab is believed to be gut-selective. Large clinical trials have shown that vedolizumab is effective and safe for the induction and maintenance of clinical remission in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Thus it seems possible that vedolizumab is a novel and alternative therapy for patients with intractable inflammatory bowel disease.