INTESTINE Vol.21 No.4(4-1)

特集名 腸内細菌をめぐって
題名 発癌と腸内細菌(1)大腸癌と腸内細菌
発刊年月 2017年 07月
著者 土肥 多惠子 国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センター研究所肝炎・免疫研究センター消化器疾患研究部
【 要旨 】 大腸発癌と食餌内容との相関は確立しており,動物性食餌はそのリスクを高め,植物性食餌はリスクを低める.この効果は腸内細菌叢を介しており,菌体成分や代謝物によって,宿主の免疫能およびエネルギー代謝が変化する.また,腸内細菌叢は腸粘膜上皮細胞にもさまざまなシグナル経路を通して,遺伝子発現・遺伝子機能の変化を起こし,遺伝子変異,エピゲノム変化をもたらすことによって大腸発癌に関与する.大腸上皮細胞の回転は常在乳酸菌と食物繊維に依存して絶食-再摂食リズムに同調しており,これを含めた食習慣・腸内細菌叢の改善は大腸癌予防に有用である.
Theme Impacts of intestinal microbiota
Title Colorectal cancer and microbiota
Author Taeko Dohi Department of Gastroenterology, Research Center for Hepatitis and Immunology, Research Institute, National Center for Global Health and Medicine
[ Summary ] A correlation between dietary factors and colorectal cancer has been established. Animal-based diets increase the risk of colorectal cancer and plantbased diets decrease them. This relationship is mediated by the gut microbiota. Bacterial components and their metabolites change host immunity and metabolic conditions. They also affect signaling systems in the colon epithelial cells, resulting in altered gene expression and function in terms of mutations and epigenetic changes. All these factors are involved in colonic carcinogenesis. Furthermore, colonocyte turnover rates depend on the presence of commensal lactic acid bacteria and their metabolites of dietary fibers, which synchronize with fastingrefeeding cycles. Dietary intervention for healthy microbiota is to be established for the prevention of colorectal cancer.