INTESTINE Vol.21 No.4(3-2)

特集名 腸内細菌をめぐって
題名 機能性胃腸症と腸内細菌(2)ストレスと腸内細菌
発刊年月 2017年 07月
著者 高城 健 防衛医科大学校内科学講座
著者 穂苅 量太 防衛医科大学校内科学講座
【 要旨 】 現代社会において,ストレスの存在はわれわれの生活と密接に関係している.日本においてストレスという概念が認知され始めたのは比較的最近のことであるが,一方で消化器と情動との関連性は古来日本でも注目されてきた.近年,ストレス関連精神疾患の発症機序の一つとして腸内細菌が注目されており,実際それらの関連性を裏づける報告もみられるようになってきた.本稿では,ストレスと腸内細菌との関係について述べる.
Theme Impacts of intestinal microbiota
Title Functional gastrointestinal disorders and gut microbiota : Psychological stress and gut microbiota
Author Takeshi Takajo Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Ryota Hokari Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] Stress has become the cause of a variety of physical and psychological disorders in modern society. In Japan, the concept of stress related conditions has begun to be recognized. However the relationship between the digestive system and the central nervous system has been recognized since ancient times. On the other hand, gut microbiota are being watched with keen interest as one of the pathogenic mechanisms of stress related psychiatric disorders. In fact, we can find previous reports concerning evidence of that relationship, termed the "microbiotagut-brain axis". We referred previous reports and reviewed concepts involving stress, the relationship between the pathophysiology of stress and gut microbiota, as well as the relationship between stress related psychiatric disorders and gut microbiota.