INTESTINE Vol.21 No.2(5)

特集名 小児・妊婦・高齢者に対するIBD診療
題名 [総論]妊娠・出産における炎症性腸疾患の特徴
発刊年月 2017年 03月
著者 渡辺 知佳子 防衛医科大学校内科学講座
著者 穂苅 量太 防衛医科大学校内科学講座(消化器内科)
著者 三浦 総一郎 防衛医科大学校内科学講座
【 要旨 】 十分な寛解維持がなされた状態での妊娠であれば,炎症性腸疾患(IBD)合併妊娠は,非IBD合併の場合とほぼ同等に安全に子供を持つことが十分に可能である.妊娠領域は情報の更新が頻回なので,常に新しい情報にふれてIBD合併妊娠に向き合い,妊娠を計画し,妊娠中はIBDの活動性を穏やかに維持したい.IBD治療薬のうち妊娠中の投与により,胎児への影響が有益性を上回ると明確に示されている薬剤は意外にも多くない.再燃時は早めの十分な対応により,より良い妊娠転帰を迎えるように心がけたい.
Theme Treatment for children, pregnant women and elderly patients with IBD
Title Pregnancy and patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Author Chikako Watanabe Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Ryota Hokari Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Soichiro Miura Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affects women in their peak reproductive years. Women with IBD have the same rates of fertility as women without IBD unless they have had prior pelvic surgery or active diseases. However, women with IBD do have higher rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Women with IBD should be followed as high-risk obstetric patients. Most medications used to treat IBD can be continued safely during pregnancy and lactation. The greatest risk to pregnancy is active diseases, which can be precipitated by discontinuation of effective maintenance medications. Preconception counseling should include education regarding the low risk of most IBD medications during pregnancy and lactation and the high risk of a significant disease flare during pregnancy.