INTESTINE Vol.20 No.2(1)

特集名 クローン病治療の最前線
題名 どのような症例に抗TNF-α抗体製剤を使うべきか?
発刊年月 2016年 03月
著者 日比 紀文 北里大学北里研究所病院炎症性腸疾患先進治療センター
【 要旨 】 炎症性腸疾患治療の進歩は目覚ましく,適切な治療の選択が重要である.個々の症例で状況が異なり病態を考慮して治療することになるため,一言でまとめるのは難しい.抗TNF-α抗体は寛解導入および維持のいずれにも適した,効果の高い薬剤と位置づけされるが,日本においてクローン病で過剰なほどに汎用されているのが現状である.本稿ではその適応として既存治療抵抗例,使用上の注意として感染の問題など,日常臨床に即して概説した.
Theme The frontline of Crohn's disease treatment
Title Should we use anti-TNF-α in what kinds of patients with Crohn's disease?
Author Toshifumi Hibi Center for Advanced IBD Research and Treatment, Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital
[ Summary ] Recent advances in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease have been remarkable. As a result, we must now choose the most appropriate treatment from among the different treatment options. Because important factors in individual cases may be quite different, treatment should be selected with consideration of each patient's specific clinical condition. Anti-TNF-α antibody has been used in both induction and maintenance of remission, and has been shown to be highly effective. However, excessive use of anti-TNF-α antibody for Crohn's disease is anticipated in Japan. Here, I will explain that the main indication for anti-TNF-α is for the treatment of patients who are resistant to other existing therapies ; furthermore, I will discuss its careful use in everyday clinical practice for patients with infection.