INTESTINE Vol.2 No.4(1-3)

特集名 内視鏡によるsm癌の診断 --通常内視鏡を中心に
題名 内視鏡診断の実際 (3) IIa+IIc型
発刊年月 1998年 07月
著者 鈴木 裕 新潟大学医学部第三内科 / 新潟臨港総合病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Endoscopic daiagnosis of sm invasive colorectal cancer
Title Practical endoscopic diagnosis of colorectal cancer -- Type 0-IIa+IIc
Author Yutaka Suzuki Third Department of Internal Medicine, Niigata University Schcool of Medicine / Department of Gastroenterology, Niigata Rinko General Hospital
[ Summary ] For accurate endoscopic diagnosis of colorectal submucosal cancer, it is important to observe the pit pattern on the surface of tumor using a magnifying colonoscope along with suitable dye-spraying methods, in addition to the ordinary observation with changing directions of view, dose of air, and so on. In this paper, we will present the case of a type 0-IIa+IIc colorectal cancer invading the upper two-thirds of the submucosa (sm2), which was accurately diagnosed using a magnifying colonoscope, along with a series of practical photographic records. The cancerous glands invaded the submucosa at the depressed (IIc) area of the lesion, with the result that the pits showed the type VA pattern. The usefulness of the observation of pit patterns toward the diagnosis of colorectal submucosal cancer was demonstrated.