INTESTINE Vol.17 No.2(11)

特集名 潰瘍性大腸炎における新たな治療戦略
題名 外科治療
発刊年月 2013年 03月
著者 池内 浩基 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/兵庫医科大学下部消化管外科
著者 内野 基 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/兵庫医科大学下部消化管外科
著者 松岡 宏樹 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/兵庫医科大学下部消化管外科
著者 坂東 俊宏 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/兵庫医科大学下部消化管外科
著者 平田 晃宏 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/兵庫医科大学下部消化管外科
著者 冨田 尚裕 兵庫医科大学下部消化管外科
【 要旨 】 潰瘍性大腸炎(UC)の手術適応は難治例が約70%を占めるが,その次の手術適応は癌/dysplasiaである.長期経過例の増加とともに発癌症例は今後も増加することが予想されるため,サーベイランスの重要性はますます高まるものと思われる.周術期の予後は高齢者の緊急手術症例がとくに不良であることはいうまでもない.術後のpouch機能率は術後20年で92%程度と悪くはないが,難治性の回腸嚢炎とクローン病への病名変更症例ではpouch機能率は不良である.
Theme Novel therapeutic strategy for ulcerative colitis
Title Surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis
Author Hiroki Ikeuchi Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Hyogo College of Medicine / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Motoi Uchino Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Hyogo College of Medicine / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Hiroki Matsuoka Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Hyogo College of Medicine / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Toshihiro Bando Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Hyogo College of Medicine / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Akihiro Hirata Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Hyogo College of Medicine / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Naohiro Tomita Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] Surgical treatment is indicated for patients with intractable ulcerative colitis. Approximately 70 % of these UC cases are considered to be intractable. Cancer related dysplasia is the next most common. The need for surveillance of these patients is expected to increase in near future due to a projected increase in the overall number of cancer cases as well as projected extension of treatmet periods. The perioperative prognoses for elderly UC patients who undergo emergency surgery are especially poor. Postoperative success rates for patients with functioning pouches is considered to be acceptable at approximately 92 % twenty years after surgery. On the other hand, that rate is considered to be unsuitable for patients with intractable pouchitis and patients whose diagnosis has later been changed to one of Crohn's disease.