INTESTINE Vol.15 No.6(2)

特集名 大腸villous tumorの問題点を探る
題名 大腸villous tumorの定義と問題点 -- traditional serrated adenomaとの対比
発刊年月 2011年 11月
著者 藤井 隆広 藤井隆広クリニック
著者 池松 弘朗 国立がん研究センター東病院内視鏡部消化器科
著者 藤盛 孝博 獨協医科大学病理学(人体分子)
【 要旨 】 villous tumor(VT)の定義は,未だ確立されたものはない.狭義のVTは今回の検討対象には認めなかったため,絨毛状腺管を有する絨毛状腺管腺腫(TVA)と,VTに肉眼・組織形態上類似するtraditional serrated adenoma(TSA)の両者を対比検討した.両者はともに,直腸〜S状結腸に好発し,肉眼形態も粘液に富む絨毛状〜松毬様のIs型ポリープが多く相似形にある.両者は,内視鏡・病理組織学的に好酸性を有する細胞質で乳頭状増生を示すTSAから,鋸歯状所見を伴うTVAを経てVTへと発育進展する移行性が示唆された.
Theme Exploring problems of "villous tumor"
Title Problems in defining criteria for villous tumors -- Comparison with villous tumor and traditional serrated adenoma
Author Takahiro Fujii Takahiro Fujii Clinic
Author Hiroaki Ikematsu Division of Endoscopy & Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East
Author Takahiro Fujimori Department of Pathology, Dokkyo Medical University
[ Summary ] The definition of villous tumors (VT) remains somewhat vague. However, since no VTs, in the narrow sense of the term, were found in the subjects studied, tubulovillous adenomas (TVA) and traditional serrated adenomas (TSA), which are known to resemble VT in macroscopic appearance and histological morphology, were compared. Both TVA and TSA occur frequently in sites ranging from the rectum to the sigmoid colon and often present as mucus-rich, villous or having the pinecone appearance of sessile tumors, or polyps and are thus plesiomorphic. Study findings suggested that both TVA and TSA may grow and progress from TSA to VT by way of tubulovillous adenomas with serrations.