INTESTINE Vol.15 No.3(2-4)

特集名 潰瘍性大腸炎のTherapeutic Strategy─Standardな治療法から最新情報まで
題名 [各論]Cyclosporine Aの位置づけ
発刊年月 2011年 05月
著者 吉村 直樹 社会保険中央総合病院内科・炎症性腸疾患センター
著者 高添 正和 社会保険中央総合病院内科・炎症性腸疾患センター
【 要旨 】 シクロスポリン(cyclosporine A;CsA)の導入で,ステロイド大量投与に反応しない重症難治性潰瘍性大腸炎の約80%で手術が回避でき寛解導入率は向上したが,寛解後の再燃例も少なくない.CsA持続静注療法では長期のステロイド投与を避けステロイドの有効性の早期見極め,CsAの早期導入が,寛解後の予後と患者のQOL向上に寄与する.さらに,CsA抵抗性症例でも保険適用となったインフリキシマブの追加投与で手術回避が期待できる.
Theme Therapeutic strategy for ulcerative colitis ; from standard to up-to-date
Title Efficacy and positioning of intravenous cyclosporine therapy for patients with severe steroid refractory ulcerative colitis
Author Naoki Yoshimura Department of Internal Medicine, Division of IBD, Social Insurance Central General Hospital
Author Masakazu Takazoe Department of Internal Medicine, Division of IBD, Social Insurance Central General Hospital
[ Summary ] Recently, the immunosuppressive agent, cyclosporineA (CsA) has been introduced as an alternative medication for patients with severe corticosteroid refractory ulcerative colitis (UC). Up to 80 % of patients with severe UC refractory to corticosteroid are known to respond to CsA, potentially avoiding colectomies. It would appear that rates of remission in patients with severe UC have improved with this treatment. However, the enthusiasm for CsA is dampened by high relapse rates following remission induction. Nevertheless, for CsA therapy, prior assessment of the efficacy of current Ⅳ steroid administration should be conducted, immediately, followed by CsA therapy. Further, infusion of infliximab, which is now an approved medication for UC, may benefit patients who show inadequate response to CsA. This strategy is expected to contribute to better prognoses after CsA induced remission and improve patients' quality of life.