INTESTINE Vol.14 No.1(2-11)

特集名 下血/血便をきたす腸疾患─non-IBDを中心に
題名 [各論]炎症性腸疾患と大腸癌以外の出血をきたす各種腸疾患の画像上の鑑別診断と治療 (11) 全身性疾患に伴う出血性腸疾患
発刊年月 2010年 01月
著者 中川 義仁 藤田保健衛生大学消化管内科
著者 平田 一郎 藤田保健衛生大学消化管内科
著者 岩田 正己 藤田保健衛生大学消化管内科
著者 藤田 浩史 藤田保健衛生大学消化管内科
【 要旨 】 全身性疾患とはさまざまな臓器に病変が出現する疾患である.全身性疾患自体が原因で消化管出血をきたす疾患として,全身性エリテマトーデス,結節性多発性動脈炎,Churg─Strauss症候群,Henoch─Schönlein紫斑病などが代表的である.これらの疾患に共通する特徴は血管炎に起因する多発性のびらんや潰瘍で,時に穿孔をきたす症例もみられる.また,これらの疾患に対する治療に使用する薬剤も出血性腸疾患を引き起こすことがあり,これらの疾患について正しい知識が必要である.
Theme Bloody stools in non -- IBD intestinal disorders
Title GI bleeding due to systemic disease
Author Yoshihito Nakagawa Department of Gastroenterology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
Author Ichiro Hirata Department of Gastroenterology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
Author Masami Iwata Department of Gastroenterology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
Author Hiroshi Fujita Department of Gastroenterology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In order to make a diagnosis of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding due to systemic disease, it is important examine GI lesions as well as to gather the patient's clinical background. Lupus enteritis in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which is caused by small vessel vasculitis, can be classified into two types : ischemic enteritis and multiple ulcers. GI bleeding is caused by the multiple ulcer type. Many polyarteritis nodosa (PN) patients suffer from GI bleeding or perforation, because PN is caused by small vessel vasculitis. The small intestine is the most common site of this bleeding or perforations. Churg-Strauss syndrome (allergic granulomatous angitis) is clinically characterized by bronchial asthma, eosinophilia and vasculitis. GI bleeding is observed in apploximally 30% of this angitis cases. Marked erythema is frequently observed in ulcer margins and erosions. Major indications of Henoch-Schönlein purpura are observed in the skin, articular, renal and abdominal regions. This desease endoscopically presents with diverse features, redness, ersion, ulcers, edema, purplish lesions.