INTESTINE Vol.13 No.5(4-3-1)

特集名 小腸疾患に対する最新のアプローチ
題名 [各論 -- 疾患ごとのアプローチを考える]IV. 小腸血管性病変 (3) NSAIDs 起因性潰瘍 a. ダブルバルーン内視鏡を中心に
発刊年月 2009年 09月
著者 山村 健史 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 大宮 直木 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 中村 正直 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 白井 修 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 竹中 宏之 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 森島 賢治 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 宮原 良二 名古屋大学医学部附属病院光学医療診療部
著者 安藤 貴文 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 後藤 秀実 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
【 要旨 】 ダブルバルーン内視鏡(DBE)を施行し,NSAIDs起因性小腸潰瘍と診断した16症例において検討した.投与理由・種類はさまざまで,投与期間は2カ月から10年までと開きがあった.また頓用でも数年以上の長期使用例では,病変が認められた.病変の形態としては輪状潰瘍・膜様狭窄がもっとも多かった.また病変は多発する傾向が認められた.NSAIDs潰瘍からの生検で特徴的な細胞崩壊像,アポトーシス小体が得られたものは15例中2例であり,いずれも膜様狭窄をきたした病変であった.治療・予防法は第一にNSAIDsの中止であり,薬物治療などはいくつかの報告があるが,evidenceは確立されていない.内視鏡通過不能な膜様狭窄の2例はDBE下バルーン拡張術を施行し,拡張後の再発は認めていない.DBEはNSAIDs起因性潰瘍の診断および治療に有用であった.
Theme The newest approach to the small intestinal diseases
Title Clinical features and endoscopic finding of NSAIDs induced ulcer in small intestine
Author Takeshi Yamamura Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Naoki Ohmiya Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Masanao Nakamura Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Osamu Shirai Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Hiroyuki Takenaka Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Kenji Morishima Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Ryouji Miyahara Department of Endoscopy, Nagoya University Hospital
Author Takafumi Ando Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Hidemi Goto Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Using double balloon endoscopy (DBE), 16 cases were diagnosed where non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) had induced ulcers in the small intestine. Diverse types of NSAIDs had been taken for various indications. Periods NSAIDs were taken ranged from 2 months to 10 years. Even if NSAIDs were not taken regularly, some patients had NSAIDs induced ulcers when NSAIDs were administered over periods of several years. The characteristic findings observed with DBE were circular ulcers and diaphragm-like strictures. Moreover, it was found that most cases exhibited multiple lesions. Images of cytolytic reactions and apoptosis in the base of the mucosa were reported as the haracteristic histological findings of NSAIDs induced ulcers. Those fi ndings were obtained in 2 out of 15 cases (13%), which had diaphragm like strictures.
Balloon dilation procedures during DBE were performed in 2 cases which had diaphragm like strictures which the DBE instrument could not pass. DBE was useful for the diagnosis and treatment of NSAIDs induced ulcers.