INTESTINE Vol.13 No.4(4-1)

特集名 いまこそde novo
題名 de novo癌の発育過程 (1)大腸癌の遡及的検討から
発刊年月 2009年 07月
著者 平田 一郎 藤田保健衛生大学消化管内科
【 要旨 】 大腸癌の遡及的検討から得られたde novo癌の発育進展に関する特徴は以下のごとくである.de novo癌は,遠位大腸とほぼ同じ頻度で近位大腸にも局在する.小さな病変のうちから深部浸潤傾向が強く,腺腫由来癌に比して進行が早い.肉眼型はIIc型あるいはIIc由来病変(Is+IIc型)が多い(約42%)ものの,IIa型(約25%)やIs型(約33%)も認められる.発育型はNPG型が過半数(約60%)を占めるが,PG型も少なからず(41%)認められる.検討症例中,もっとも発育・進展が早かったものは,5 mmのIs+IIc早期癌(推定SM2-3)が2年間で40 mmの進行癌(SS)になった例である.
Theme Revaluation of de nove cancer
Title Characteristic of growth and development of colorectal de novo cancer -- retrograde analysis of cases in feature articles describing follow-up cases with early colorectal cancers
Author Ichiro Hirata Department of Gastroenterology, Fujita-Health University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The characteristic about the growth and development of colorectal de novo cancer obtained from the retrograded examination is following.
The de novo cancer is located to not only distal largeintestine (sigmoid colon and rectum) but proximal large itestine at about the same frequency. A tendencyto deeply and rapidly invasion while lesion is small is stronger than an conventional colorectal cancer. The macroscopic type is found in the IIc type or lesion (Is+IIc type) derived from IIc (approximately 42%), IIatype (approximately 25%) and Is type (approximately 33%). As for the growth type, an NPG type accounts for the majority (approximately 58%), but the PG type is not a little (42%) found, too.