INTESTINE Vol.11 No.3(3-3-2)

特集名 ダブルバルーン/カプセル内視鏡 -- 診断・治療のアルゴリズム
題名 小腸疾患診断・治療の今後のアルゴリズム (3) 腫瘍性病変,その他 b. 小腸腫瘍の診断 -- ダブルバルーン内視鏡,カプセル内視鏡,体外式超音波法を中心に
発刊年月 2007年 05月
著者 福本 晃 広島大学病院光学医療診療部
著者 田中 信治 広島大学病院光学医療診療部
著者 宍戸 孝好 広島大学大学院分子病態制御内科学
著者 島本 大 広島大学大学院分子病態制御内科学
著者 茶山 一彰 広島大学大学院分子病態制御内科学
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme An algorithm for finding and treatment of small intestinal disease -- DBE and CE
Title Roles of double balloon endoscopy, capsule endoscopy and transabdominal ultrasonography in diagnosis of small bowel tumors
Author Akira Fukumoto Department of Endoscopy, Hiroshima University Hospital
Author Shinji Tanaka Department of Endoscopy, Hiroshima University Hospital
Author Takayoshi Shishido Department of Medicine and Molecular Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
Author Masaru Shimamoto Department of Medicine and Molecular Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
Author Kazuaki Chayama Department of Medicine and Molecular Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
[ Summary ] The tumors of the small bowel are rare, despite the length and surface area of this site, which are the largest in the gastrointestinal tract. Until recently, endoscopic diagnosis of these conditions has not been easy because of difficulties in endoscopically approaching the small bowel. Capsule endoscopy permits examination of the entire small bowel and is a well tolerated examination. However, it is expensive and the possibility of missing lesions must be considered. Double balloon endoscopy allows for not only examination of the entire small bowel but procurement of biopsy specimens, and performance of endoscopic treatment. However, complications with the procedure, such as acute pancreatitis, must be considered. Although transabdominal ultrasonography is a conventional modality, it can detect small bowel tumors if they are large. In diagnosing tumors of the small bowel it is important to select the appropriate examinations in relation to the properties of each examination.