INTESTINE Vol.10 No.3(2-2-1)

特集名 拡大内視鏡による質的診断の進歩 -- VI型pitから血管構造・Endo-Cystoscopy・IBDまで
題名 VI型pit patternにおける不整の程度と浸潤度 (2) 病理診断に迫る立場から a. 浸潤度推定におけるpit patternの限界とSA patternの役割
発刊年月 2006年 05月
著者 林 俊壱 林俊壱クリニック
著者 味岡 洋一 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科分子・診断病理学分野
著者 太田 宏信 済生会新潟第二病院消化器科
著者 渡辺 孝治 済生会新潟第二病院消化器科
著者 石川 達 済生会新潟第二病院消化器科
著者 吉田 俊明 済生会新潟第二病院消化器科
著者 武者 信行 済生会新潟第二病院外科
著者 坪野 俊広 済生会新潟第二病院外科
著者 酒井 靖夫 済生会新潟第二病院外科
著者 石原 法子 済生会新潟第二病院病理部
著者 馬場 靖幸 日本歯科大学付属病院内科
著者 上村 朝輝 済生会新潟第二病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Development of diagnosis of magnifying endoscopy
Title Role of SA pattern in detecting invasive colorectal cancer -- comparing pit patterns with chromocolonoscopy and crystal violet staining
Author Shun-ichi Hayashi Shun-ichi Hayashi Clinic
Author Yoichi Ajioka Division of Diagnostic Pathology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University
Author Hironobu Ota Division of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Koji Watanabe Division of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Toru Ishikawa Division of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Toshiaki Yoshida Division of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Nobuyuki Musha Division of Surgery, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Toshihiro Tsubono Division of Surgery, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Yasuo Sakai Division of Surgery, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Noriko Ishihara Division of Pathology, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Yasuyuki Baba Division of Internal Medicine, Nippon Dental University Hospital
Author Tomoteru Kamimura Division of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
[ Summary ] It is difficult to detect invasive colorectal cancers even with chromocolonoscopic examination in case where the lesions have a remainant mucosal layer. Because of the numerous pits seen on the surface, these lesions are apt to be diagnosed as mucosal cancers. However, if the deeper cancers invade down into the submucosal layer, there is a higher risk of lymph node metastasis. Therefore, the correlation between chromocolonoscopic findings and vertical depth of submucosal invation were investigated in order to clarify methods of identifying these invasive cancers correctly. In the present study, we employ and compare two chromocolonoscopic findings using crystal violet, pit patterns and SA patterns employing staining patterns in the area between pits. Pit patterns were evaluated by means of fractal dimensions from the view point of complexities of the shapes. SA patterns were classified into three types, according to the density in staining. Close correlation was found between SA patterns and invasion depth. Little correlation was found between pit patterns and invasion depth. However, a close correlation was found between pit patterns and histologic glandular formations and cellular atypia. It is important to have a knowledge of SA patterns when detecting cancers down to the submucosal layer, especially in cases involving cancers with a remainant mucosal layer.