臨牀消化器内科 Vol.33 No.13(7)

特集名 肝線維化―診断を超えて
題名 肝線維化は最強のNASH予後決定因子か
発刊年月 2018年 12月
著者 角田 圭雄 愛知医科大学内科学講座肝胆膵内科学/日本医療戦略研究センター臨床研究・開発部Japan Study
著者 小野 正文 高知大学医学部消化器内科/日本医療戦略研究センター臨床研究・開発部Japan Study
著者 藤井 英樹 大阪市立大学医学部肝胆膵内科学/日本医療戦略研究センター臨床研究・開発部Japan Study
著者 徳重 克年 東京女子医科大学消化器内科/日本医療戦略研究センター臨床研究・開発部Japan Study
著者 中島 淳 横浜市立大学医学部肝胆膵消化器内科/日本医療戦略研究センター臨床研究・開発部Japan Study
著者 米田 政志 愛知医科大学内科学講座肝胆膵内科学
【 要旨 】 肥満・糖尿病などの生活習慣病の増加とともに,肝癌・肝不全の原因としてのNASHの重要性が高まりつつある.一方,NASHの死因は心血管イベント,他臓器癌,肝疾患関連死である.近年のメタ解析で,肝線維化の進行は肝疾患関連死のみでなく,心血管イベント,他臓器癌のリスクも高めることが明らかになった.肝線維化診断のゴールドスタンダードは肝生検であるが,非侵襲的な診断法として,FIB4 index,NAFLD fibrosis scoreなどのスコアリングシステムや超音波エラストグラフィ,MRエラストグラフィなどの画像診断の有用性が確立されてきた.近年,肝線維化の改善を目標とした治療薬の開発が進行中であり,肝線維化抑制作用によってNASHの予後を改善できることを期待したい.
Theme Liver Fibrosis : Beyond the Diagnosis
Title Questioning Significance of Link between Hepatic Fibrosis and NASH
Author Yoshio Sumida Division of Hepatology and Pancreatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University / Japan Study Group of NAFLD (JSG-NAFLD), Department of Research and Development, Japan Strategic Medical Administration Research Center (J-SMARC)
Author Masafumi Ono Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kochi University School of Medicine / Japan Study Group of NAFLD (JSG-NAFLD), Department of Research and Development, Japan Strategic Medical Administration Research Center (J-SMARC)
Author Hideki Fujii Department of Hepatology and Pancreatology, Osaka City University School of Medicine / Japan Study Group of NAFLD (JSG-NAFLD), Department of Research and Development, Japan Strategic Medical Administration Research Center (J-SMARC)
Author Katsutosi Tokushige Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Women University School of Medicine / Japan Study Group of NAFLD (JSG-NAFLD), Department of Research and Development, Japan Strategic Medical Administration Research Center (J-SMARC)
Author Atsushi Nakajima Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Yokohama City University School of Medicine / Japan Study Group of NAFLD (JSG-NAFLD), Department of Research and Development, Japan Strategic Medical Administration Research Center (J-SMARC)
Author Masashi Yoneda Division of Hepatology and Pancreatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University
[ Summary ] Since the incidence of lifestyle related diseases such as obesity and diabetes are now increasing, NASH is has become the most important causal issue for HCC and hepatic failure. The leading cause of death related to NASH is cardiovascular (CV) events, followed by extrahepatic cancer, and liver related diseases. A recent meta-analysis shows that liver fibrosis is the most significant predictor of not only liver related death but also CV events and extrahepatic cancer. Although liver biopsy is currently the gold standard for diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis, noninvasive methods have been established to assess liver fibrosis, including scoring systems including the fibrosis-4 index and NAFLD fibrosis scores as well as imaging modalities such as ultrasonographic elastography and magnetic resonance elastography. It is expected that innovative drugs being developed for ameliorating liver fibrosis related to NASH may improve prognosis of patients with NASH.