臨牀消化器内科 Vol.33 No.11(4-4)

特集名 消化器病漢方治療―理論と実践
題名 実践:漢方薬治療の実際―このように治療する (4) 便秘・下痢・過敏性腸症候群
発刊年月 2018年 10月
著者 眞部 紀明 川崎医科大学検査診断学(内視鏡・超音波)
著者 中藤 流以 川崎医科大学検査診断学(内視鏡・超音波)
著者 藤田 穣 川崎医科大学検査診断学(内視鏡・超音波)
著者 楠 裕明 川崎医科大学総合臨床医学
著者 鎌田 智有 川崎医科大学健康管理学
著者 畠 二郎 川崎医科大学検査診断学(内視鏡・超音波)
著者 春間 賢 川崎医科大学総合内科学2
【 要旨 】 消化器領域における漢方治療の果たす役割は大きい.とくにその病態が多因子からなる機能性消化管疾患は,漢方治療の良い適応と考えられる.近年の数多くの基礎研究により生薬ごとの消化管機能に及ぼす作用が明らかになっており,漢方治療の効果が分子レベルから明らかになってきている.本稿では下部機能性消化管疾患のなかでもとくに遭遇することが多い慢性便秘,慢性下痢,過敏性腸症候群に対する漢方治療について概説した.なお,漢方薬の副作用は,構成している生薬によって決まるため,数種類の漢方薬を併用する場合には,同じ生薬が重複しないかを確認する姿勢も重要である.
Theme Kampo Medicine for Gastrointestinal Diseases -- Theory and Practice
Title Traditional Japanese Herbal Medicines for Treatment of Patients with Constipation, Diarrhea, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Kawasaki Medical School
Author Noriaki Manabe Division of Endoscopy and Ultrasonography, Department of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Rui Nakato Division of Endoscopy and Ultrasonography, Department of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Minoru Fujita Division of Endoscopy and Ultrasonography, Department of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Hiroaki Kusunoki Department of General Clinical Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Tomoari Kamada Department of Heal th Care Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Jiro Hata Division of Endoscopy and Ultrasonography, Department of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Ken Haruma Department of General Internal Medicine 2, Kawasaki Medical School
[ Summary ] In the field of gastroenterology, traditional Japanese herbal medicine, i. e., Kampo medicine plays an important role. Functional gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, whose pathology is multifactorial, are particular good indications for this treatment. Recent basic studies have revealed the effect of each traditional Japanese herbal medicine on GI function, and the effect of traditional Japanese herbal medicine has been clarified at the molecular level. In this article, we outline the treatment using traditional Japanese herbal medicine for patients with chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome, which are particularly common among functional lower GI diseases. In contrast, side effects are determined by constituent crude drugs; therefore, for prescription of combined traditional Japanese herbal medicines' types, it is considered important to ensure that there is no overlap of the crude drugs.