臨牀消化器内科 Vol.33 No.11(2-1)

特集名 消化器病漢方治療―理論と実践
題名 総論:消化器疾患―どのように処方するか (1) 東洋医学の消化器疾患治療法
発刊年月 2018年 10月
著者 中村 東一郎 中村医院
【 要旨 】 消化器疾患を漢方医学的に治療する場合,自覚症状・他覚症状はいずれも重要だが,とくに腹部の触診は欠かすことができない.腹診は江戸時代に日本で独自に発達したもので,処方選択に直接結びつくことも少なくない.胸脇苦満があれば柴胡剤を,腹直筋の攣急があれば芍薬の含まれる処方がまず候補として考えられる.腹部に大動脈の拍動が頻脈として触れる場合は精神症状を伴うことが多いが,漢方医学では心身一如の考え方から,心身の多彩な症状を総合的に治療できる利点がある.腹部の診察に当たっては西洋医学的,漢方医学的両者の診察を行うことが望まれる.
Theme Kampo Medicine for Gastrointestinal Diseases -- Theory and Practice
Title Kampo Medicine for the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders
Author Toichiro Nakamura Nakamura Clinic
[ Summary ] In treatment of diseases of the digestive system through Kampo medicine, it is important to identify the presence of subjective and objective symptoms, and perform physical examination, particularly palpation of the patient's abdominal region. Suggested methods of palpation of the abdominal region originated and developed independently during the Edo period in Japan, and often lead to selection of prescribed Kampo medicine. For instance, in case of clinical finding of Kyokyokuman (discomfort or sensation of filled with something from the epigastric to the right side of the chest wall and subcostal heavy feeling or pain), or Renkyu (excessive tonus) of the rectus abdominis muscle, Kampo medicine including Saiko or Shakuyaku should be considered as prescription, respectively. Evaluation of the patient's tachycardia through measuring pulsation of the abdominal aorta may reveal that the finding derives from psychiatric disorder. Various clinical findings in patients with organic and mental compound disorders can be comprehensively treated with Kampo medicine based on the philosophy of mind-body unity. Physical abdominal exam findings used in the combined method of western and Kampo medicine allow correct diagnosis and treatment.